It's the second one of Jim's book signings I've been to, and even though I've heard a couple of the stories twice now, they're still hilarious and he seems to be a genuinely great guy to be around.
I got all books signed (including Gita's, she'll be happy to know), and while I still have an entire list of things I would have liked to say to him but didn't, I DID manage to get the courage to ask for a picture!
Color me completely jealous!
~ Soccer Mom
He's not wearing the Inigo Montoya shirt....he wore one in San Diego that had a 'my name is' sticker that said 'Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..."
I love geeks. He was very nice when I spoke to him too, which basically consisted of me geeking that he was from Independence. I love the fact he has such a smart ass know your little one will be that way someday when you are a famous author.
Enjoy, hon!
Did you tell him he was splendiferous? It's no fun unless you told him he was splendiferous.
I don't recall the word splendiferous passing my lips, but it was crowded, and loud, so maybe I missed it. ;)
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