Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I must be old

I mean, you know you must be getting old when you don't even remember it's supposed to be St. Patrick's Day until the kiddo reminds you that she's supposed to wear green to daycare. Then of course I had to frantically scramble to find ANY green shirt she could wear that wasn't dirty and/or too small... But, I did, and she had a grand time, and we survived yesterday.

Both yesterday and today, I more than doubled my word-count goal, and I finished chapter 4 so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. If I can hit word count tomorrow, I'll break my first 10K on this projec! Go me! (it's the small things in life that make me happy)

I have nothing new to report on the submission saga. Presumably, those who have asked for pages are reading them, and those who have not...are not!

1 comment:

BeshterBooks said...

I only managed to remember because I was threatened by a coworker who would pinch me if I didn't. And she seems to ignore the fact that I'm in HR every time I threaten her with it.

Anyway, it was an excuse to eat corned beef and cabbage and have beer.