Monday, September 15, 2008

Quite Pleased

I got one of my new scenes done today (for a whopping 1500 word addition to the manuscript), and I am very happy with what I've done. In this one at least, I know I've recaptured the protagonist's voice. I've been worried about getting back into it, since the voice for Project 3 is soooo very different, and face it, I've been away from Project 2 for quite some time at this point.

This brings me to almost 74K total word count, and I'm very excited about it. I knew this puppy was short when I finished it the first time, so anything I can add (without adding "filler") makes me just giddy. Looking ahead at the two new scenes I have left to write and the other changes I'm slipping in here and there... I think I can break 77K easily.

And it's a darned good thing I'm back to work again. I had an absolutely slack-tastic weekend. Seriously, I sat and did a North and South marathon. (I have loved those movies since childhood, and a lot of it makes so much more sense now that I'm an adult and I can grasp all the social implications of stuff) This also led to a half hour discussion with my five-year-old explaining just what slavery is. She was properly horrified.


  1. Yup, very early Patrick Swayze. (and a who's who of other cameos and supporting roles)
