Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chuggin' along

I finished new scene 5-of-6 today. One more to go, then I can start doing the nice blending that is required all around it. (and re-writing a big chunk of the final chapter to account for the changes I've made) I don't think I'll get the revisions done by the end of this week like I wanted, but if I get the big chunks done, the rest should be fairly simple (but will require a few solid, uninterrupted hours of my time).

I'm also just shy of 75K words. This makes me gleeful.

Anyone who keeps up with this blog (there's what...two of you?) might notice that I've adjusted my link list to the left. Check out Jay Lake, Cherie Priest and Janet Reid for all your agenting snark, author-y goodness, and random link needs.


  1. Just checking in on you with all the scary bank news this week...all OK on your end with real jobz?

    Just a thought.

  2. So far so good. They're consolidating a lot of the functions into our office, so I don't see us as being super-expendable. Yet.

  3. *hugs* Just checking in, cause you know, I do worry about you...and stuff...

    Cause I don't have enough other things to do in my life, you see. LOL
