Monday, June 9, 2008

Updates on Life in General

Well, the diet from hell and subsequent halfdays of work paid off. The doctor's office called today, and my scans were clean. No cancer here, baybee!

I have realized that I am stalled on project 3, and that I reached a point like this in a previous chapter. At that point, I decided to have my characters do something other than what I'd originally planned (go out instead of stay in), and the chapter bloomed nicely. This time, I'm not sure just WHAT else to have them do. I mean, they're kind of stuck where they are, and I really NEED them to speak to a certain person... Hmm.... Maybe something will come to me tonight as I doze off. I do my best thinking in that place between awake and asleep.

1 comment:

BeshterBooks said...

If I have to hear about the C word in relation to one more person I care about, I think I'll have a screaming fit and hide. Maybe under my desk, with the other dust bunnies to keep me company. Ooooh, look, there is a green paperclip!