Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And done!

Finally! The first draft of Project NaNo is in the bag, folks. I feel drained, but happy.

Of course, I still have a butt-load of revisions to do on it now, before I even think of sending it out to the Beta Crew. The betas should consider themselves warned, however. I want to revise this one in about a month, and get it out into the world for feedback.

Once I do that, I'll be returning to Project 3 to begin revisions there. Barring, of course, any new developments with Project 2. Still waiting to see what The Agent thinks of my last round of revisions there. I hope we'll be out on submission soon.

Today was officially cold enough that it hurt to breathe, and Thursday is supposed to be colder. I think I'm going to spend the evening curled up here with kiddo, watching American Idol and thinking warm thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Woot on finish of Nano Project...hooray.

    So did your jackalope stay?
